1300 555 576

Follow Us:

11-13 Station Street Mitcham VIC 3132 Australia

For many years, Murcotts has broadcast a range of road safety messages as an added benefit to our corporate and public clients to help reinforce the key learning points of our defensive driver training programs.

The timing of these road safety messages prior to our peak danger periods, Christmas and Easter holidays, is aimed at reminding drivers of simple yet effective advice that can help them, their families and staff, avoid the increased dangers on the roads at these times due to increased road traffic, distractions such as drowsiness and fatigue, loaded vehicles, towing caravans and trailers, alcohol and drugs and unfamiliar roads and changing conditions.

As a corporate or public client of Murcotts practical or online driver training, you will automatically be subscribed to our newsletter and receive our road safety messages, tips and advice. If you are not an existing client, you are welcome to view our road safety messages here or subscribe to our mailing list by calling

1300 555 576

or email

[email protected]


Look Up, Stay Back®

and stay safe!

Easter and Christmas Road Safety Messages




Previous Safety Videos

Slowing, Stationary & Red Lights

Loose Items

Stopping Distance

Driving Position

Driver Distraction

Country Trip Checklist

Stopping Distance

Fatigue & Drowsiness

Road Crashes

Long-Distance Driving

Driving Myths

Annual Crash Rate

When should i use my indicators?

Where should my vision be?

Distracted Driver

Road Safety

Mobile Phones


Follow Us


Contact Us

  • 1300 555 576

  • 11-13 Station Street, Mitcham VIC 3132

  • Office Hours

    Monday-Friday: 9 am – 5 pm

    Saturday-Sunday: Closed

    Public Holidays: Closed

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